Thursday, September 2, 2010

Now What?

Hi everyone. Thank you for your patience, its been a few weeks since I last posted something new, but I dont like to fake the funk. I dont want to write just to be writing, I want my words to have substance. It has been one of the most interesting 3weeks of the summer. Unfortunately I dont feel led to write about that tonight, but when I do....ok, we'll leave it at that. As far as the Novel goes, "My first mistake was you", I wont lie to you guys, I havent written a single page since the last time I worked on it. (Ok stop rolling your eyes, I know. I will do better. So much better that I will work on it as soon as I am done with this posting.) Ok so how are you. I pray that the good Lord has been keeping you in perfect peace. This evening my question to you is....

"What do you do when your feeling lonely?

Good news, if I have you on Facebook, you already heard, if not, then here it goes. My Hunny got a job! (Go Babe, Go Babe lol) I am overjoyed, what a breakthrough. I love to hear the joy in his voice and I can picture the little hop in his step as he goes to work. What a release! Today was his second day and so far so good. Some of you may be wondering what his new job has to do with my question. Well the thing is, Hunny and I have been unemployed together for a while now, I recently started school again last week, but I am an evening student because I need to keep my schedule open for a potential job. So I am pretty much home during the day and now that Hunny is at work most of the day, I have no one to talk to or hang out with, then I am at school during the night and I havent quite made friends yet for this semester. I AM LONELY!!!!!!!

I have a friend who sent me a message today. She is currently living on her own and she has a job working with children and she said to me "I am so lonely. I go to work and have no one to talk to, and then I come home with no one to talk to." I have another friend who has a boat load of friends. She has more of a social life than I do and she has a couple guys waiting to become her only one. The other day she told me "Im depressed, I feel so alone." Then theres a couple of single people I know who say that leaving their Ex-boyfriend/husband was the best thing that ever happened to them and they never felt more fulfillment in their lives. Then there is me, who went from filling up my days and nights (not all night, I went home, didnt want to but I did lol) with my boyfriend. We were pretty much the last unemployed ones in our circle and we refused to let each other get down about it so we had a blast. Then suddenly life changes and we are still together, but I feel so lonely.

So I get to thinking, what is it about loneliness that it can be experienced when your alone or around a group of people, Single or in a relationship? Why are we all lonely? How can we all be lonely? Then I realized a one major factor that unites all three of us and seperates us from the ones who are declaring ultimate joy in their solitude. We are not lonely, we are bored.

1.My friend who works with children and then goes home to no one to talk to. Works and then goes home. Nothing in between.

2. My other friend who has a large social life, and has guys falling at her feet, stays home most of the time because she doesnt have the desire to go out or makes plans and ends up canceling them because she no longer wants to go out.

3. I am home most of the day, and then I go to school and then I do it all over again the next day.

We are not lonely, we just dont have a life. Did you ever notice that when your lonely and home, you are miserable, you can sleep a day away, nothing gets done, you think about so much negative things, your more likely to be depressed, suddenly you wonder what your doing with your life etc.

But when you are "Living on Purpose" you are exhausted. You had a blast. You may come home to an empty bed or a crying baby but your actually relieved to do so. You want to spread out on your queen matress and dose off until your alarm goes off in the morning. You are seeing different places, going to different events, trying new things.....your living your life. Even your prayer changes when you live an active life. You may have the same problems but your outlook for them are more positive because you have not exhausted yourself trying to figure it out yourself.

Now which do you think the Devil perfers, keeping you lonely or keeping you busy? Did you know that you are way more productive when you have no time. You can get twice as much done when you have half of the time available to do it.

I am not saying that an active life can replace the void that only God can fill. I am not talking to those who feel a genuine emptiness inside and dont know why. I am not talking about the ones who have not tried Jesus and dont realize the comfort that he gives that a significant other cant touch. You are in a different catagory, I pray that you open up your life to Christ.

I am talking about the ones who are living according to God's standards, patiently waiting for him to send the man/woman that He has prepared for them. Im talking to those who have some newly found extra time on their hands. The one who has come out of a relationship 1day or 1 year ago and is still feeling the sting of the pain and is so lonely that they are starting to wonder if they did the right thing by leaving their Ex. Im talking to the single mother who feels like life will be this way forever. Get Up! Get Out! Try Something different! LIVE YOUR LIFE!

I know I will. I refuse to wither away in sorrow and drag the people I love along with me. I rather live the life that God sent Jesus to die for.

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

St John 10:10

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