Thursday, September 16, 2010

Silly Christians

To all those who are reading this posting as a method of trying to justify why you are not a Christian, the next paragrah is for you. Let me take this opportunity to remind you that this blog is my diary and I am a Christian, I am not perfect, and I do not pretend to be. This blog is as real as I get (If you know me personally, you know that to be true). I give the Devil no room for confusion and so I make it plain everytime I write something that can be bent to help him lead people astray. This is my disclaimer.

For countless years I have been hearing people talk about why they do not go to Church. One very popular EXCUSE that has been floating around is, "There are too many hypocrites in the Church." Its funny how that would even be a factor when there are a bunch of hypocrites at their job and they dont refuse to go there. I guess you can say, Church should be the last place you find fake people, it is a holy place of worship, and I agree with you, but I also think that School is no place for guns, the body is no place to expose, a relationship is no place for abuse, a family is no place for disfunction, a marriage is no place for adultury, and a child has no place being abandoned by a mother/father. Unfortunately all these things occur, but do we give up sending children to school, or striving to have a family of our own some day in fears of things turning out the way they are not suppose to? Where would we be if God decided that?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program. How do you deal with hypocrites in the church? I learned a long time ago that every grin is not a smile, and there are some people who for absolutely no reason at all will not like you. However there are some others who know exactly what it is about you that they just can not stand. These are my examples.

1.There is a grown woman who I do not know personally, perhaps I have exchanged words with her a handful of times, I have seen her in a couple of services and the woman absolutely loathes me. Why? Because my boyfriend is with me and not her daughter.

2.I know a very active member in ministry who if they are not the center of attention at all times, they feel threatened and so will go out of their way to privately sabotage you but in your face, you would think they were your best friend.

3.There is a guy I know who could not tell the truth if PDiddy himself offered them Bad Boy.

4.There is a girl who is like a sister to me when we are together, but when she is near someone who does not like me, you would think she hated me from the moment we met. (Maybe She did)

How do I know these things? Be careful with the ones who share with you the things that people are saying about you. At one point you have to wonder why people are so comfortable talking about you with them. Only a fool would approach someones friend and begin to speak poorly of them and hypocrites are no fools. They are sneaky but smart.

The common factor in all of the people I listed is that they all have an interest in my life. This is how I feel, you must really value my opinion of you if you will go out of your way to impress me with your friendship, stories, or demeanor. So gossip and lie about me all you want because at the end of the day, I keep you entertained. Lol. Seriously guys/gals, if you are dealing with this in your life that is the approach that you should take on it. I can confront a hypocrite and tell them that I know all about what their doing, but ultimately confrontations do not change a hypocrite. They will not stop talking about you, they will just try to hide it better.
What we must realize is that the hypocrites in the church are such a small group of people that the Devil tries to get us to focus on. They are the 5 people out of the 300 members who stand out, why, because they are distractions. If the Devil can distract you with them long then your attention can be diverted and you may miss out on your blessing. Today I was driving on the Grand Central during rush hour on my way to school and some how a fly got in the car and just flew around on the windshield. It was interesting how I was in a 3 laned express way with at least 50 cars surrounding me, but all I could see was that one little annoying fly. If I stared at it long enough, I would have crashed that car. Smh. That is how the devil gets us. Next time you come accross a back stabber/hypocrite/liar, just remember that they are just a little fly in giant world of possabilities. They are not worth crashing and burning over. Do not waste your time or your energy. I like to let God deal with people, he knows how to deal with them way better than my words or my fist could (Im not hitting anyone, but I did think about it.Lol)

"Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb"

Psalm 37:1-2

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, Jackie...Love it and it's so were speaking to me & about me...I personally feel that no every church is perfect, but I just haven't found my "home" yet, if that makes any sense...I went to a church for numerous years as a child and into my teenage yrs, but as i grew into my adulthood I just could not find my place there, i was disgusting by the things i began to see involving members of the church and i decided thats not where I want to be. Church should be a place where you can bond with the spirit of God, a place where you feel no shame, a place of enormous hope and gratitude, but that's not what I saw nor felt. I stopped going and started going to CCC, where I find myself to be at home, but I have yet to declare it my home..but this blog really did speak to me...inspirational..
